Questioning Reality

Is there a connection between dreams and reality?

Is there a connection between dreams and reality? Veronica Tropper was watching a documentary about the Pearl Harbour with her family late at night. To the majority of the population watching a documentary late at night can be a very drowsy experience. As expected, Veronica fell asleep.  Suddenly she found herself ‘watching a large commercial […]

Questioning Reality

The scary truth about lottery tickets

The scary truth about lottery tickets  “Dad, I’ve got some good news and some bad news. The bad news is the firm’s closing on Friday, so we’ll be out of work. The good news is…. I’ve just won the lottery.” These were the words said by Charlie Parish when he won a lottery ticket worth of […]

Questioning Reality

Is success pure luck?

Is success pure luck? David Gonzales, a 31-year-old man had just bought a house for $10,000. While David was renovating his house, he found something very interesting behind his wall.  After a few minutes of digging, he extracted the object. It was the original copy of Action comic’s debut of Superman. The original action comic […]

Questioning Reality

The SHOCKING DEATH of conventional cameras?

25/09/2017 Circa 2008 – The Eiffel tower looked stunning on the eve of Christmas. It’s beautiful bright light was shining radiantly. It was a feast for my eyes. All around me I saw people engrossed in taking photos with their cameras. Some were compact cameras while others were big DSLR cameras. If I were not […]