
Tyler Watson: The story of following your dreams

“You can get what you want, or you can just get old.” – Billy Joel

According to latest studies by reporters, only 1 in 100 people actually stick to their early childhood dream.

Think about it,

The next 99 people you meet, will all have dreamt big; being a MasterChef, being a champion athlete, being a great pilot. Yet for one reason or the other, these people stopped pursing their dreams and got trapped into the system.

Tyler Watson – Social Media Content Creator

But not Tyler Watson…


From the moment I talked with Tyler, I realized that he is a man on a mission.  His style of communication portrayed a person who can set unachievable goals but still somehow attain them.

Tyler’s current job as a Social Media Content Creator is something that most people can only dream about. Tyler is his own boss and unlike 99% of the population, he controls his future.

Early life

Since childhood, Tyler has had a strong grasp of Social Media. He was a member of many old internet websites such as myspace and vine.

“Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.” – Dwayne Johnson.

However, before becoming a social media content creator, Tyler first enrolled into the Marine Corps. Working at the Corps not only gave him a stronger fighting spirit, it also consolidated his life-belief of the importance of “team-work”.

Becoming a social media content creator

A few years later, Tyler made the tough choice of becoming a social media content creator. Since he dreamt of something unique, he naturally met a lot of resistance.

“I faced situations involving death threats to having people send me hate mail from across the world. I told myself I was not going to back down.” – Tyler

Regardless of what other said, Tyler ignored the haters and continued doing what he loved.  Today, he has over 60,000 followers on Facebook and 18,000 Instagram followers.

A normal day of Tyler revolves a lot around meeting and collaborating with different people. He strongly believes that collaboration and working together is the key secret to success.

Below are some interesting answers from Tyler to a couple of difficult questions;

What inspires you the most?

 I would say my biggest inspiration is my fans. All the people who have stuck by me and believed in me and pushed me to my limits on what I can do.

What book inspired you the most?

I would say the book that inspired me is The Book of the Law by Aleister Crowley.

If you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time?

If I did not have to sleep, I would push social media even more. It all about the grind. It never stops. You wake up and you work on what you strive to succeed at in life. Repetition is key than things start to fall in place.

I came to know Tyler recently through an internet forum. I was pretty impressed with his massive following in social media at a very early age. Tyler is truly an inspiration to every young entrepreneur who wants to pursue their dream in any unconventional field.

Tyler Watson took the road less traveled by and it made all the difference…

Photo by Thanos Pal on Unsplash

Note: This is the first time I am writing a blog about a person. I interviewed Tyler through Facebook. I haven’t met him, but I hope to meet him in the future.

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